Terms & Conditions


Amethyst Dance Pembrokeshire follows the code of professional conduct and good practice as outlined by the Council for Dance Education and Training.

The following terms & conditions apply to all students attending classes/sessions with the school. Please take the time to read them carefully. 


In order to help you get the best out of Amethyst Dance Pembrokeshire and to understand our responsibilities to you and your responsibilities to us, please read the following terms and conditions. The language used should make these terms and conditions as clear as possible. The following policies exist to safeguard the wellbeing of our students and to ensure that the good name of our school continues to be associated with high quality, nurturing teaching and enjoyment of dance. Amethyst Dance Pembrokeshire reserves the right to refuse entry to classes if these rules are not complied with. The school will review and amend its policies on a regular basis and advises parents/guardians and students to read this document thoroughly to ensure a clear understanding is gained. Please contact a member of our team if you require further assistance.



1.1 In order for a place to be kept open for your child in our classes, payment is required monthly in advance, by subscription only.

1.2 Signing up through our system and setting up a subscription is the only registration and payment method Amethyst Dance Pembrokeshire will accept. We are no longer able to accept bacs, cash or cheques payments, or half termly / termly payments for our classes.

1.3 The system we use is ClassForKids. All registrations and payments are set up through this system.

1.4 Prices are based on 37 weeks’ worth of classes, and pro-rated over 12 months.

1.5 Payment will be taken from the account you specify on 1st/2nd of every month. Failure to make payments on time may result in losing your place in your chosen class(es). Any payments not paid on the 1st of the month will incur a £10 late payment fee which will be added to your subscription. If you are having trouble paying please speak to a member of our team and we will do our best to help.

1.6 We reserve the right to make changes to these amounts and/or collection date if necessary. In this case, you will be given notice via email prior to collection.

1.7 There is an annual membership fee of £25 per person, to cover the setting up of each student on our system, insurances, licensing and other operating costs.

1.8 The subscription system ensures everyone pays on time, as previously many fees were paid very late to Amethyst Dance Pembrokeshire, with some not being paid at all.

1.9 Where payments are outstanding, Amethyst Dance Pembrokeshire reserve the right to pursue the recovery of this debt by legal means.

1.10 Fees and payments are non-refundable.

1.11 No refunds or reductions will be given for absence from class.

1.12 No refunds or reductions will be given if a student is sent home from class/has to leave class early due to illness or injury

1.13 No refunds or credits will be given if you choose not to attend a class or session for any reason, for example due to adverse weather conditions, if the class/session is still being offered and the venue is open.

1.14 All fees and payments for holiday camps, workshops, one-off sessions, youth dance, and private lessons are payable at the time of booking and are non-refundable.




 2.1 Should a student wish to cancel one of their classes we require one month’s written notice via email, along with one full month’s final fee payment for the following month, for cancellation.

2.2 In the event of a class or session being cancelled due to reasons outside of our control, fees will be non-refundable.

2.3 In the event of a class being cancelled by ourselves we will endeavour to provide an alternative class/substitute class for you to attend. This may be at a different day, time or venue than your regular class, and may take place outside our advertised term dates. No refund will be issued, nor will you be eligible for a refund if you choose to withdraw from the school prior to that alternative class being offered.

2.4 Any classes that fall below 5 students attending in total will be subject to being cancelled.

2.5 In the event of a student leaving Amethyst Dance Pembrokeshire with any payments still outstanding, Amethyst Dance Pembrokeshire reserve the right to pursue the recovery of this debt via legal means.



3.1 If you have, or should you have, any concern or issue that you feel needs to be addressed by our team, it needs to be brought to our team’s attention via email, ideally within 48 hours or at the very latest within 28 days of the date of the concern. Any concern or issue brought to our team’s attention beyond that time frame will be unable to be dealt with.



4.1 Amethyst Dance Pembrokeshire aim to provide the very best training, and a safe, supportive, nurturing environment for everyone. If we feel that any student is being disruptive on a regular basis we will issue a verbal warning. If this continues we will speak to the parent/guardian about the matter.

4.2 Due to the physical nature of dance, physical contact between teacher and student, and student and student, is necessary in order to teach the technique correctly and safely, and participate fully in class. By joining a class/session with the school you give your consent to this.

4.3 Upon joining the school it is assumed that Amethyst Dance Pembrokeshire is a student’s only source of dance/musical theatre tuition. If a student is currently in receipt of, or subsequently after joining us in receipt of dance/musical theatre tuition from another school/teacher, it is courteous to inform both/all sources of tuition to avoid any conflict of interest.

4.4 If a student wishes to add a class this needs to be confirmed in writing by emailing amethystdance@hotmail.co.uk, and then amending via your ClassForKids account.

4.5 Students are placed in levels suitable to their age and/or ability as assessed by the class teacher/school owner. Students’ progression through the levels is at the discretion of the teacher/school owner.



5.1 It is your responsibility to ensure the contact details we hold for you are accurate and up to date, and should they change, it is your responsibility to update these.

5.2 The personal data you provide will be processed in accordance with our privacy notice – a copy of which is provided to read upon registration, and which you are required to read and agree to upon registration, and is also available to view at any time upon request.

5.3 In the event of medical emergency it may be necessary to provide medical staff with your child’s/your personal and contact details.

5.4 Amethyst Dance Pembrokeshire’s communication is made via email and social media. Please ensure you check your emails regularly, and continue to check spam/junk email folders, and that you follow our social media platforms for recent updates. It is the parent/guardian’s responsibility to keep up to date with all relevant information regarding their child.



6.1 We are unable to administer medication to students, this includes plasters, ointments etc. If a student requires or may require medicating (e.g. inhaler, epi-pen) during class/a session, parents/guardians must either ensure the student can administer this themselves and provide written, signed confirmation of this to the class/session teacher, or a parent/guardian must remain at the venue at all times to administer this for the student.

6.2 Any medical conditions must be disclosed upon registration. It is you, the parent/guardian’s responsibility to make us aware on your registration form of any medical conditions/special requirements/additional or special needs, which we may need to know, and the responsibility falls upon you, the parent/guardian, to update us when necessary thereafter. Amethyst Dance Pembrokeshire are not liable for any loss/injury/illness to students brought about by any omissions/failure to notify us on your part.

6.3 If there is anything that may affect your child’s emotional or physical well-being, for instance illness, family matter, bereavement etc., please ensure that you inform the teacher at the start of class. This information will be dealt with sensitively. No matter how insignificant you may feel it is, please advise us, as Amethyst Dance Pembrokeshire has your child’s best interests at heart, and being informed will best enable us to offer support in whatever way we can.

6.4 The correct uniform and footwear must be worn, and hair tied back off the face at all times. No jewellery/watches/accessories to be worn during classes/sessions.

6.5 Warm up is obligatory for participation in a class/session.

6.6 Separate male and female toilets are available to be used for changing.

6.7 Students are to be accompanied into the venue by a parent/guardian before class, and collected from inside the venue after class. The class/session teacher needs to be informed if a student is being collected by someone different from usual.

6.8 If you are going to be late to pick your child up you must contact us to inform us. Late pick up charges may apply.

6.9 Parents/Guardians of younger students need to remain on the premises while their child’s class is in progress. Parents/guardians need to escort their child to and from the toilet and assist them with changing.

6.10 Class/session teachers are not responsible for the supervision of students outside of a student’s class/session time.

6.11 Amethyst Dance Pembrokeshire do not accept liability and cannot be held responsible for any student injury or illness which may occur whilst participating in classes/sessions.

6.12 Amethyst Dance Pembrokeshire are not responsible for personal belongings that are lost, damaged, destroyed or stolen. We advise that your child does not bring any valuables to class/sessions. Any belongings should be clearly named.



7.1 All students must show good discipline and appropriate behaviour towards the teachers, team, and fellow classmates within the classes/sessions.

7.2 Unruly, disruptive behaviour will not be tolerated. We have a strict anti-bullying policy in place and expect our students to always adhere to this.

7.3 We believe in teaching boundaries and setting a good example in line with our positive ethos to nurture and build each student’s confidence.

7.4 Our team will not tolerate abusive or disruptive behaviour from students or parents/guardians. We will treat everyone with respect and expect the same in return.

7.5 If a child/parent/guardian displays consistent unruly or aggressive behaviour, this could result in termination of class membership.



8.1 Students may be photographed and/or filmed by the class/session teachers, assistants, and/or staff team members, in relation to dance school activities. These include dance classes, camps, workshops, rehearsals, performances, youth dance, events etc.

8.2 The images may be stored and used as a teaching aid, for displays, dance school activities, for publications/publicity/press in relation to the school, to be used on the school social media pages, website, for dance school records.

8.3 Accepting a place for your child/yourself means accepting these terms and conditions that Amethyst Dance Pembrokeshire are authorised to take photographs of you/your child within these settings however, upon registration you will be asked if you grant permission for these images to be used for publicity such as social media so please ensure you that you fully read and understand this photography and filming policy prior to giving permission within the registration.

8.4 The images may be kept by the school indefinitely for school records.

8.5 No personal photography or filming to be taken by parents/guardians/students during classes, events or performances due to copyright and safeguarding, unless express permission has been sought from and granted by Amethyst Dance Pembrokeshire.

8.6 No classes are to be recorded, filmed or photographed without seeking Amethyst Dance Pembrokeshire’s permission beforehand, due to copyright and child protection.

8.7 If permission is granted for photos or filming to take place during a class/session you are fully accepting responsibility that the recording and photograph is of your own child and for your own personal use. Any image with another student in the background is not for sharing with the public (including family and friends) nor is it to be shared and distributed on social media due to child protection.

8.8 All choreography used in class, camps, workshops, youth dance, performances, shows and events is the copyright of the teacher/choreographer and may not be reproduced or replicated in any shape or form, in whole or part, outside of class, without the teacher’s/choreographer’s explicit written permission.

If you have any questions or anything you would like to discuss further, please email us at            amethystdance@hotmail.co.uk, and we will be happy to help.

By signing up to our classes you are agreeing to the terms and conditions currently in place,

With thanks,

The Amethyst Dance Pembrokeshire Team